Yet Another Blog

Dienstag, März 20, 2007


Ok, the last post is ~5 months old, so i guess it's time for some updates. We begin to like Nuremberg althoug it still can't beat Regensburg and i guess it never will.
There are many big news however. The first is that i'm marrying my lovely fiancee Andrea in June this year, the preparations are running at full steam.
In even bigger news i'm glad to announce that we're getting a baby :D It is due in September, but taking in account how active and agile it showed up on the ultrasonic i'd not be surprised if it wants to get out more early ;)

At the studies front i've started wrting my master thesis at Suse. I'm working on kode which is a project to automatically generate appealing GUIs from XML Schemas. Progress is goin well. More updates "soon" ;)