Yet Another Blog

Donnerstag, Oktober 26, 2006


Wow, a lot of things happened since my last post. First of all, we've moved to Nuremberg. It was a hell of a relocation, but i really don't want to talk about it.
Now that I can officially call me a "Diplom-Informatiker" ;) I've started my M.Sc. study at the FH Nürnberg. There are not too many courses but in contrast to the courses i attended in Regensburg they are a lot more time consuming. That means that i have to give presentations and sucking stuff like that. But the good thing is that it won't last that long. If all things go well i'll finish the studies in ~12 months :D

I've also got a job already. I'm employed as a working studen by Suse which is great!!! I can work on linux and am getting paid for it. I can't think of anything better than this. Plus i don't only work on linux but i work on a KDE tool which is even more what i like to do. And chances are good that i can do the master thesis there, too.

On the Kopete front there's not much to tell. I'm polishing the Yahoo plugin for Kopete 1.0 now and then but i really don't find much time for it lately. I hope that will change somewhen not too far in the future.