Yet Another Blog

Montag, September 11, 2006

I proudly present: Kopete Privacy Plugin

Ever got annoyed by a spam bot or something? Times of suffer are over with the release of the Privacy Plugin for Kopete.
The plugin lets you filter messages either by sender or by content.
For sender filtering there are four different policies
  • Allow all messages
    Disable message filtering by sender
  • Allow messages only from contacts on my contactlist
    This option drops all messages from contacts not on your contactlist
  • Allow messages only from contacts on the whitelist
    You can specify a whitelist. All messages from contacts not on this list are dropped.
  • Allow all messages but messages from contacts on the blacklist
    You can specify a blacklist. All messages from contacts on this list are dropped.
Additionally you can blacklist words. Messages that contain those words (either any of the first wordlist or all of the second one) are dropped.

I bet this plugin will make some people happy :)